Haunted Zone. Constitution Saving Throw: DC 17, any creature that casts a spell while inside the revenant's space. Failure: The spell fails and is wasted.
Undead Restoration. If the revenant dies, it revives 24 hours later unless Dispel Evil or Good is cast on its remains. If it revives, it animates another Gargantuan object or structure elsewhere on the same plane of existence; it now looks different but uses the same stat block and returns with all its Hit Points.
Multiattack. The revenant makes two Object Slam attacks and uses Invitation.
Object Slam. Melee or Ranged Attack Roll: +9 (with Advantage if the target is inside the revenant's space), reach 10 ft. or range 30/90 ft. Hit: 27 (5d8+ 5) Bludgeoning damage.
Invitation. Charisma Saving Throw: DC 17, each creature in a 60-foot Cone. Failure: The target is teleported inside the revenant's space and swallowed. A swallowed creature has Total Cover against attacks and other effects outside the revenant. While the revenant has Hit Points, a swallowed creature can leave the revenant's space only by using magic that enables planar travel, such as the Plane Shift spell.