Unearthed Arcana

List and links of all the D&D 5 Unearthed Arcana articles published by Wizards of the Coast since the first in 2015.

The Unearthed Arcana material is presented for playtesting and to spark imagination. These game mechanics are still in draft form. They aren’t officially part of the game and aren’t permitted in D&D Adventurers League events.

  1. Eberron
  2. When Armies Clash
  3. Modifying Classes
  4. Waterborne Adventures
  5. Variant Rules
  6. Awakened Mystic
  7. Modern Magic
  8. Ranger Options
  9. Rune Magic Prestige Class
  10. Light, Dark, Underdark!
  11. That Old Black Magic
  1. Kits of Old
  2. Psionics and Mystic
  3. Gothic Heroes
  4. Feats
  5. Quick Characters
  6. The Faithful
  7. Revised Ranger
  8. Encounter Building
  9. Barbarian Primal Paths
  10. Bard Colleges
  11. Divine Domains
  12. Druid Circles & Wild Shape
  13. Martial Archetypes
  14. Monastic Traditions
  15. Sacred Oaths
  1. Artificer (v2)
  2. Ranger & Rogue
  3. Sorcerer
  4. Warlock & Wizard
  5. Mass Combat
  6. Traps Revisited
  7. The Mystic Class
  8. Wizard Revisited
  9. A Trio of Subclasses
  10. Starter Spells
  11. Downtime
  12. Feats for Skills
  13. Feats for Races
  14. Revised Subclasses
  15. Revised Class Options
  16. Greyhawk Initiative
  17. Three Pillar Experience
  18. Eladrin and Gith
  19. Fiendish Options
  20. Elf Subraces
  1. Three Subclasses
  2. Into the Wild
  3. Order Domain
  4. Centaurs and Minotaurs
  5. Giant Soul Sorcerer
  6. Races of Eberron
  7. Races of Ravnica
  8. Dragonmarks
  9. Magic Items of Eberron
  10. Of Ships and the Sea
  11. Sidekicks
  1. Artificer (v3)
  2. Artificer (v4)
  3. Barbarian and Monk
  4. Sorcerer and Warlock
  5. Bard and Paladin
  6. Cleric, Druid, and Wizard
  7. Fighter, Ranger, and Rogue
  8. Class Feature Variants
  9. Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard
  1. Subclasses, Part 1
  2. Subclasses, Part 2
  3. Subclasses, Part 3
  4. Spells and Magic Tattoos
  5. Psionic Options Revisited
  6. Subclasses Revisited
  7. Feats
  8. Subclasses, Part 4
  9. Subclasses, Part 5
  1. Gothic Lineages
  2. Folk of the Feywild
  3. Draconic Options
  4. Mages of Strixhaven
  5. Travelers of the Multiverse
  1. Heros of Krynn
  2. Heros of Krynn Revisited
  3. Giant Options
  4. Wonders of the Multiverse
2024 (DnD 2024)
  1. Artificer
2025 (DnD 2024)
  1. Forgotten Realms Subclasses