| Agonizing Blast | eldritch blast cantrip | Add Charisma modifier to eldritch blast damage. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Armor of Shadows | - | Allow to cast mage armor at will. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Ascendant Step | 9th level | Allow to cast levitate at will. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Aspect of the Moon | Pact of the Tome feature | Don't need to sleep and can't be forced to sleep by any means. | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Beast Speech | - | Allow to cast speak with animals at will. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Beguiling Influence | - | Give proficiency in Deception and Persuasion skills. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Bewitching Whispers | 7th level | Allow to cast compulsion (1/long rest). | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Bond of the Talisman | 12th-level warlock, Pact of the Talisman feature | Teleport to the talisman or to the warlock (PM/long rest). | Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything |
| Book of Ancient Secrets | Pact of the Tome feature | Allow to cast two 1st-level spells from any class as rituals. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Chains of Carceri | 15th level, Pact of the Chain feature | Allow to cast hold monster at will on celestial, fiend, or elemental. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Cloak of Flies | 5th level | Grant adv. on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and dis. on all other Charisma checks. Others creatures in area take poison damage. | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Devil's Sight | - | Allow to see normally in darkness up to 120 ft. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Dreadful Word | 7th level | Allow to cast confusion (1/long rest). | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Eldritch Mind | - | Grant advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell. | Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything |
| Eldritch Sight | - | Allow to cast detect magic at will. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Eldritch Smite | 5th level, Pact of the Blade feature | | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Eldritch Spear | eldritch blast cantrip | The range of eldritch blast increases to 300 ft. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Eyes of the Rune Keeper | - | Allow to read all writing. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Far Scribe | 5th-level warlock, Pact of the Tome feature | Allow to cast sending to a target who has written its name on your Book of Shadows. | Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything |
| Fiendish Vigor | - | Allow to cast false life at will. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Gaze of Two Minds | - | Allow to perceive through the senses of a willing humanoid. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Ghostly Gaze | 7th level | Grant the ability to see through solid objets to a range of 30 ft for 1 minute (1/short rest). | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Gift of the Depths | 5th level | Allow to breathe underwater and to cast water breathing (1/long rest). | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Gift of the Ever-living Ones | Pact of the Chain feature | When you roll dice to regain hit point within 100 ft of your familiar, take the maximum value of all dice. | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Gift of the Protectors | 9th-level warlock, Pact of the Tome feature | A creature that has written its name on your Book of Shadows drops to 1 hp when reduced to 0 hp (1/long rest). | Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything |
| Grasp of Hadar | eldritch blast cantrip | Hit a creature with eldritch blast bring it 10 ft closer to you. | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Improved Pact Weapon | Pact of the Blade feature | The weapon of your Pact can be used as spellcasting focus, the weapon gains a +1 bonus and can be a bow or a crossbow. | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Investment of the Chain Master | Pact of the Chain feature | Find familiar grants flying/swim speed, its weapon are magical, can Attack and your reaction grant it resistance. | Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything |
| Lance of Lethargy | eldritch blast cantrip | Hit a creature with eldritch blast reduces its speed by 10 ft. | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Lifedrinker | 12th level, Pact of the Blade feature | Add Charisma modifier to the pact weapon damage (necrotic damage). | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Maddening Hex | 5th level, hex spell or a warlock feature that curses | Deal Cha.Mod. psychic damage within 5 ft around the target cursed by your hex spell or one of your warlock feature. | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Mask of Many Faces | - | Allow to cast disguise self at will. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Master of Myriad Forms | 15th level | Allow to cast alter self at will. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Minions of Chaos | 9th level | Allow to cast conjure elemental (1/long rest). | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Mire the Mind | 5th level | Allow to cast slow (1/long rest). | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Misty Visions | - | Allow to cast silent image at will. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| One with Shadows | 5th level | Allow to become invisible in an area of dim light or darkness without moving. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Otherworldly Leap | 9th level | Allow to cast jump at will. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Protection of the Talisman | 7th-level warlock, Pact of the Talisman feature | When the wearer of your talisman fails a saving throw, he can add 1d4 to potentially change the result. | Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything |
| Rebuke of the Talisman | Pact of the Talisman feature | When the wearer of your talisman is hit, you can deal psychic damage equal to your proficiency bonus in reaction. | Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything |
| Relentless Hex | 7th level, hex spell or a warlock feature that curses | Allow to teleport up to 30 ft within 5 ft of a target cursed by you. | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Repelling Blast | eldritch blast cantrip | Hit a creature with eldritch blast push it up to 10 ft away. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Sculptor of Flesh | 7th level | Allow to cast polymorph (1/long rest). | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Shroud of Shadow | 15th level | Allow to cast invisibility at will. | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Sign of Ill Omen | 5th level | Allow to cast bestow curse (1/long rest). | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Thief of Five Fates | - | Allow to cast bane (1/long rest). | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Thirsting Blade | 5th level, Pact of the Blade feature | Allow to attack twice with your pact weapon. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Tomb of Levistus | 5th level | When you take damage, you gain 10 temporary hp/lvl, take the damage, gain vulnerability to fire, and your speed is reduced to 0. | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Trickster's Escape | 7th level | Allow to cast freedom of movement (1/long rest). | Xanathar´s Guide to Everything |
| Undying Servitude | 5th-level warlock | Allow to cast animate dead (1/long rest). | Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything |
| Visions of Distant Realms | 15th level | Allow to cast arcane eye at will. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Voice of the Chain Master | Pact of the Chain feature | Allow to communicate telepathically with your familiar and speak through it. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Whispers of the Grave | 9th level | Allow to cast speak with dead at will. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |
| Witch Sight | 15th level | See the true form of shapechangers or creatures concealed by certain magic within 30 ft. | Player´s Handbook (SRD) |