Eldritch Invocations 5e

All DnD 5e Eldritch Invocations


invocationsEldritch Invocations 5e

This online application will allow you to list and filter all the DnD 5e Warlock's Eldritch Invocations with severals options. You will be also able to sort the list as you want. At the end, you will get the option to select only some results to generate our own PDF or to print cards on Magic format.

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Invocation Prerequisite Description Source
Agonizing Blasteldritch blast cantripAdd Charisma modifier to eldritch blast damage.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Armor of Shadows-Allow to cast mage armor at will.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Ascendant Step9th levelAllow to cast levitate at will.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Aspect of the MoonPact of the Tome featureDon't need to sleep and can't be forced to sleep by any means.Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Beast Speech-Allow to cast speak with animals at will.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Beguiling Influence-Give proficiency in Deception and Persuasion skills.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Bewitching Whispers7th levelAllow to cast compulsion (1/long rest).Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Bond of the Talisman12th-level warlock, Pact of the Talisman featureTeleport to the talisman or to the warlock (PM/long rest).Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything
Book of Ancient SecretsPact of the Tome featureAllow to cast two 1st-level spells from any class as rituals.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Chains of Carceri15th level, Pact of the Chain featureAllow to cast hold monster at will on celestial, fiend, or elemental.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Cloak of Flies5th levelGrant adv. on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and dis. on all other Charisma checks. Others creatures in area take poison damage.Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Devil's Sight-Allow to see normally in darkness up to 120 ft.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Dreadful Word7th levelAllow to cast confusion (1/long rest).Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Eldritch Mind-Grant advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell.Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything
Eldritch Sight-Allow to cast detect magic at will.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Eldritch Smite5th level, Pact of the Blade featureXanathar´s Guide to Everything
Eldritch Speareldritch blast cantripThe range of eldritch blast increases to 300 ft.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Eyes of the Rune Keeper-Allow to read all writing.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Far Scribe5th-level warlock, Pact of the Tome featureAllow to cast sending to a target who has written its name on your Book of Shadows.Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything
Fiendish Vigor-Allow to cast false life at will.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Gaze of Two Minds-Allow to perceive through the senses of a willing humanoid.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Ghostly Gaze7th levelGrant the ability to see through solid objets to a range of 30 ft for 1 minute (1/short rest).Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Gift of the Depths5th levelAllow to breathe underwater and to cast water breathing (1/long rest).Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Gift of the Ever-living OnesPact of the Chain featureWhen you roll dice to regain hit point within 100 ft of your familiar, take the maximum value of all dice.Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Gift of the Protectors9th-level warlock, Pact of the Tome featureA creature that has written its name on your Book of Shadows drops to 1 hp when reduced to 0 hp (1/long rest).Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything
Grasp of Hadareldritch blast cantripHit a creature with eldritch blast bring it 10 ft closer to you.Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Improved Pact WeaponPact of the Blade featureThe weapon of your Pact can be used as spellcasting focus, the weapon gains a +1 bonus and can be a bow or a crossbow.Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Investment of the Chain MasterPact of the Chain featureFind familiar grants flying/swim speed, its weapon are magical, can Attack and your reaction grant it resistance.Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything
Lance of Lethargyeldritch blast cantripHit a creature with eldritch blast reduces its speed by 10 ft.Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Lifedrinker12th level, Pact of the Blade featureAdd Charisma modifier to the pact weapon damage (necrotic damage).Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Maddening Hex5th level, hex spell or a warlock feature that cursesDeal Cha.Mod. psychic damage within 5 ft around the target cursed by your hex spell or one of your warlock feature.Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Mask of Many Faces-Allow to cast disguise self at will.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Master of Myriad Forms15th levelAllow to cast alter self at will.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Minions of Chaos9th levelAllow to cast conjure elemental (1/long rest).Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Mire the Mind5th levelAllow to cast slow (1/long rest).Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Misty Visions-Allow to cast silent image at will.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
One with Shadows5th levelAllow to become invisible in an area of dim light or darkness without moving.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Otherworldly Leap9th levelAllow to cast jump at will.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Protection of the Talisman7th-level warlock, Pact of the Talisman featureWhen the wearer of your talisman fails a saving throw, he can add 1d4 to potentially change the result.Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything
Rebuke of the TalismanPact of the Talisman featureWhen the wearer of your talisman is hit, you can deal psychic damage equal to your proficiency bonus in reaction.Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything
Relentless Hex7th level, hex spell or a warlock feature that cursesAllow to teleport up to 30 ft within 5 ft of a target cursed by you.Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Repelling Blasteldritch blast cantripHit a creature with eldritch blast push it up to 10 ft away.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Sculptor of Flesh7th levelAllow to cast polymorph (1/long rest).Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Shroud of Shadow15th levelAllow to cast invisibility at will.Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Sign of Ill Omen5th levelAllow to cast bestow curse (1/long rest).Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Thief of Five Fates-Allow to cast bane (1/long rest).Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Thirsting Blade5th level, Pact of the Blade featureAllow to attack twice with your pact weapon.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Tomb of Levistus5th levelWhen you take damage, you gain 10 temporary hp/lvl, take the damage, gain vulnerability to fire, and your speed is reduced to 0.Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Trickster's Escape7th levelAllow to cast freedom of movement (1/long rest).Xanathar´s Guide to Everything
Undying Servitude5th-level warlockAllow to cast animate dead (1/long rest).Tasha´s Cauldron of Everything
Visions of Distant Realms15th levelAllow to cast arcane eye at will.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Voice of the Chain MasterPact of the Chain featureAllow to communicate telepathically with your familiar and speak through it.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Whispers of the Grave9th levelAllow to cast speak with dead at will.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
Witch Sight15th levelSee the true form of shapechangers or creatures concealed by certain magic within 30 ft.Player´s Handbook (SRD)
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54 invocations