Character Creator

D&D 5e 2024 Character Creator / Character Builder


This online application will allow you to create/generate a character for D&D 2024.

This is a beta version, meaning debugging, feedback, but no more concept change.


This app manages multiclassing, leveling up and custom species, background, and subclass. And we're not anymore using session, so no more timeout issue!


Click NEXT to start.


Alternatively, you can import a Character file (XML) previously generated by this app.



04-Feb-2025: Give posibility to add spells (only for Warlock and Wizard so far)

03-Feb-2025: Fixing spells with multiclassing

02-Feb-2025: Add level 11 & 12


16-Sep-2024: Beta Version

Known Issues

Only one choice for 'Lessons of the First Ones' Feat

Spellbook generation is not available for the moment


Please report any bug or error you could see.


DnD 2024
